Embodying Divine Purpose

Uniting Faith & Finance in the Name of Christ

Christ Coin is more than a cryptocurrency—it is a spiritual and financial revolution rooted in the teachings of Christ. Inspired by His commandment to "Love Your Enemy" and His final triumph declared as "It Is Accomplished," we seek to harmonize earthly stewardship with eternal purpose. By integrating Scripture, service, and innovation, Christ Coin empowers believers to grow their assets while spreading the Gospel. Each transaction reflects our mission: to honor God’s word, uplift the global faithful, and pave the way for a Vatican-endorsed digital currency that bridges Caesar’s realm with Christ’s eternal kingdom.

You can also make a purchase by sending SOL directly to the Solana address from your Web3 wallet


Sol You Pay
Tokens You Recieve

About Christ Coin

Where Faith Meets Financial Empowerment

““Christ taught, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s.” With Christ Coin, you can finally connect these and make it count. Yes, Christ is the Savior of the World, and just so Christ Coin aspires to become the CBDC of the Vatican Bank. Everyone is called to serve the World Savior; not everybody answers, and many who do underestimate what it takes to follow through. All who believe in Christ are one in Christ, as it is said, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was of God, and all was good.” The “Word” is the “Messiah” or “Christos” or “Savior” as we all realize; and this Gospel belongs to no one alone, but to everyone - of all denominations. This is the aim of the Christ Coin: to spread the Good News of Christ to all who will hear it by expanding their assets with an homage cryptocurrency. The official slogans of Christ Coin are: “Love Your Enemy” (αγαπήστε τους εχθρούς σας or לאהוב את האויבים שלך) - the essential teaching of the “Golden Rule;” and “It Is Accomplished” (τελέω or נשלם) - as Christ declared upon the crucifix. We believe, by serving these rules, we become closer to the one, true Christ - our Lord and Savior and the Redeemer of our sins. We believe Christ lives within us, and through us, and that we are all resurrections of Christ when we try to lead a life in harmony with the will of Christ’s teachings.””

How TO Buy

A Simple Guide to Faith-Based Investing

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Click the connect button and choose your Solana based wallet.

Step 2: Pay with Sol

Enter the amount of Solana you want to buy tokens with and proceed with the purchase

Step 3: Recieve your tokens

Once the presale has ended, you will be airdropped the tokens in the respective wallet you paid with

A Divine Vision

Christ Coin and the Future of Faith-Based Digital Finance

Christ Coin aspires to inspire a future where digital finance aligns with the mission of faith-based institutions, including the Vatican Bank. By embracing a foundation inspired by the Latin phrase Fiat Lux ("Let there be light"), we seek to bridge tradition with innovation. As a potential model for a faith-driven digital currency.
Christ Coin could:

  • Align with Christian Social Ethics: Promote ethical finance, social responsibility, and global charitable efforts.
  • Streamline Global Donations: Enable instant, low-cost tithing and contributions to faith-based ministries.
  • Enhance Financial Inclusion: Provide unbanked communities with access to faith-driven economic resources.
  • Unify Believers Worldwide: Foster a shared financial ecosystem that transcends borders while staying rooted in spiritual values.

By innovating within existing financial systems while upholding Gospel principles, Christ Coin seeks to create a new paradigm where faith and finance work hand in hand for the greater good. We invite you to be part of this journey toward a more transparent, ethical, and faith-driven financial future.

Faith-Driven Initiatives

Building the Kingdom Together

Join us in transforming finance into a tool for faith, service, and community empowerment. Together, we can create a lasting impact that transcends generations.

Interfaith Dialogue Platforms

Host virtual gatherings to unite Christians across denominations in discussions about cryptocurrency’s role in advancing faith-based financial stewardship.

Scriptural Education Hubs

Provide free online courses on blockchain ethics, financial stewardship, and biblical principles to empower responsible, faith-aligned investing.

Transparency as Worship

Publish real-time, blockchain-verified reports on charitable donations, ensuring financial integrity as an act of spiritual accountability.

Prayer & Fellowship Networks

Create decentralized forums for submitting prayer requests and celebrating answered prayers using microtransactions as tokens of gratitude.


Building the Kingdom Together

What is Christ Coin?

Christ Coin is a faith-based experiment in cryptocurrency; clearly we believe in miracles. Christ is the Savior of the World, and just so Christ Coin aspires to become the CBDC of the Vatican Bank.

What is the goal of Christ Coin?

This is the aim of the Christ Coin: to spread the Good News of Christ to all who will hear it by expanding their assets with an homage cryptocurrency.

What are the divisions of a Christ Coin?

One hundredth of a “Christ” is an “Angel.” One hundredth of an “Angel” is a “Blessing.” One hundredth of a “Blessing” is a “Wish.” One hundredth of a “Wish” is a “Hope.” And one hundredth of a “Hope” is a “Prayer.”

What are some slogans of Christ Coin?

The official slogans of Christ Coin are: “Love Your Enemy” (αγαπήστε τους εχθρούς σας or - ) בוהאל תא םיביואה ךלשthe essential teaching of the “Golden Rule;” and “It Is Accomplished” (τελέω or - ) םלשנas Christ declared upon the crucifix. Christ taught, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s.” With Christ Coin, you can finally connect these polar opposites and make it count forever.

Is Christ Coin a “fiat” denomination?

The term “fiat” for unlimited or “counterfeit” currencies comes from the Latin saying “Fiat Lux,” which is from the Vulgate edition of the Bible, where it is the first words that God speaks in Genesis; it means “let there be light.” So making Christ Coin a “fiat” currency makes sense - especially if the goal is to appeal to the Vatican Bank, who have no reason not to love a “fiat” currency, as all central banks do.

Is Christ Coin good or evil?

Is creating a coin a sin, blasphemy or shirk against God when that coin is minted in the “name” of “Christ”? If cryptocurrency and money in general significantly remove faith from God, then Christ Coin would be a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments (“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”); if this were the case, we would certainly know so by now, as money has existed for around 8,000 years in some form or other and is older than the first agrarian settlements itself. If it is idolatry to mine such a cryptocurrency, then doing so would be a violation of the second commandment (“Thou shalt not make any graven image”), but is a crypto coin even real? And, moreover - are there not already “graven images” of Kabbalah that maybe considered far more profane by that measure than this, yet they are not censored? If it is immoral to use the title “Christ” on a crypto-coin, for fear this process maybe used to slander God by proxy, then it would violate the third commandment (“Thou shalt not take the lord’s name in vain”); but the “eye of providence” and “In God We Trust” are already printed on American cash, and cryptocurrency is only a more electronic expression of this same value-system.

What is the mission-statement of Christ Coin?

Everyone is called to serve the World Savior; not everybody answers, and many who do underestimate what it takes to follow through. All who believe in Christ are one in the spirit of Christ, as it is said, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was of God, and all was good.” The “Word” is the “Messiah” or “Christos” or “Savior” as we all realize; and this Gospel belongs to no one alone, but to everyone - of all denominations. We believe, by serving these rules, we become closer to the one, true Christ - our Lord and Savior and the Redeemer of our souls, who rescues us from and forgives us for our sins. We believe Christ lives within us, and through us, and that we are all resurrections of Christ when we try to lead a life in harmony with the will of Christ’s teachings.